Rental Terms and Conditions

Below you will find the terms and conditions for renting Villa Summa. By booking our villa, you agree to the following provisions.

1. Reservation

Villa Summa can be easily reserved by phone (+31 6 57 19 88 27), email (, or through this website. When booking through this website, you will receive a booking confirmation after a 30% deposit of the total amount has been made. The remaining 70% must be paid no later than 6 weeks before the start of the rental period. For bookings within 6 weeks before the start of the rental period, the total amount must be paid at once.

2. Arrival and Departure

Villa Summa is available from 4:00 pm on the day the rental period begins and must be vacated by 10:00 am on the last day of the rental period. We kindly request that you plan your arrival between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm. If this is not possible, please inform us of the expected arrival time. If you do not inform Villa Summa or inform us in time (before 10:00 am on the day of arrival) that the arrival cannot be between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm, additional charges may apply for check-in outside of these hours.

3. Included Services

The total amount includes:

  • The rental price for the rental period
  • Normal use of water and energy
  • A package of sheets, pillowcases, beach towels, towels, and tea towels is included at €20 per person.
  • The total amount includes final cleaning (unless otherwise stated). There are no additional costs except for the Security Deposit (see article 10).

4. Number of Persons

The rental price is based on a maximum of 10 persons.

5. Payment

When booking your stay at Villa Summa via the website, payment of the first (partial) payment is only possible through the digital booking system. Separate instructions for paying the remaining amount will be sent to the tenant by email.

6. Cancellation by Tenant

Cancellations must be confirmed to Villa Summa by phone and in writing. Cancellation fees amount to 30% of the total amount up to 6 weeks before the start of the rental period. From 6 weeks to 3 weeks before the start of the rental period, 75% of the total amount due is payable. In case of later cancellation, there is no right to a refund of the total amount paid. You can insure against these costs through a cancellation insurance. We advise you to also take out a cancellation insurance in addition to a travel insurance.

7. Cancellation by Villa Summa

If Villa Summa is forced to cancel a reservation due to circumstances beyond its control, Villa Summa will refund the rent already paid, without compensation for any damages.

8. Swimming Pool

The large and small swimming pools are not heated. Biweekly maintenance during high season. Weekly maintenance outside of high season.

9. Pets and Smoking

Pets are not allowed. Smoking inside the villa is prohibited.

10. Security Deposit

A security deposit of (at least) €750 is required when booking. The deposit will be refunded to you within 2 weeks after your departure, provided that no damage to the villa is found and with offsetting any additional incidental costs. We expect you to leave the house and terraces tidy; sweep the house, run the dishwasher, remove bedding, clean the barbecue, take out the trash, place all furniture, remote controls, and equipment in their place, etc. If it is found during cleaning or check-out that the house or terraces have not been left in this manner, additional cleaning hours will be charged.

11. Water and Electricity

During periods of drought, especially in summer, it may happen that the water supply is reduced or cut off for shorter or longer periods (per day). Economical use of water is highly desirable as water in Spain is scarce and expensive. The supply of electricity may also be interrupted for several hours in case of emergencies. Villa Summa cannot be held liable for this. We expect you to use heating and air conditioning responsibly.

12. Complaints

If there are any complaints, you must report them to Villa Summa. Leaving Villa Summa prematurely without prior consultation and mutual agreement releases Villa Summa from any obligation to pay compensation. Complaints that are not satisfactorily resolved must be submitted to Villa Summa by email within one week after the end of the rental period.

13. Liability

13.1 During the stay, the tenant is liable for the property, furnishings, and all items belonging to the rented property. Any damage caused by the tenant or co-tenants must be reported to and reimbursed to Villa Summa immediately. Villa Summa may inspect the accommodation before your departure. The rented property may only be used by the tenant(s) and co-tenant(s), and it is never allowed to sublet or use the rented property for purposes other than vacation accommodation.


13.2 Villa Summa is not liable for loss, theft, and/or (injury) damage caused to or by tenants of Villa Summa. Villa Summa is not liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage and missed savings.


13.3 Obvious errors or mistakes in the description or prices of Villa Summa do not bind Villa Summa.


13.4 Villa Summa is not liable for damage caused by natural disasters, nuclear disasters, attacks, strikes, violence, and other external factors.


13.5 It may happen that construction work, road works, or other activities take place near Villa Summa. Villa Summa is not liable for any inconvenience arising from this.


13.6 Dutch law applies to our rental conditions. Any disputes must be submitted to a competent court in the Netherlands